For the years to come, the problem of better stormwater management in urban areas is a real challenge for the development of cities that are expanding due to a growing rural exodus. While developed countries are beginning to implement "at source" management policies, countries in the South are lagging behind in these so-called alternative practices.
These practices not only allow for better management of flooding risks during intense rainfall events, but also allow for the reintroduction of nature in cities while generating a lot of ecosystem services:
- Infiltration of stormwater and floods
- Thermal regulation (fight against heat islands)
- Preservation of biodiversity (habitat and pollination)
- Aesthetic aspects (creation of leisure spaces)
In our projects, IRHA promotes several principles for resilient stormwater management to communities and authorities:
- Desimpermeabilize urbanized areas and their immediate vicinity
- Create temporary storm water retention areas
- Decentralize runoff management, infiltrate rainwater where it falls
- Disconnect stormwater from wastewater sewer systems
- Preserve and develop urban vegetation cover
It's time to act - Together, let's disconnect!