From September 25 to 30, 2023, an international exchange and learning workshop on rural financing was held in Bujumbura and Ngozi, Burundi. The workshop was organized by IRED (Innovations et Réseaux pour le Développement) and Philéa (Société Coopérative Philea International), with the support of PSA (Plateforme de Souveraineté Alimentaire) in partnership with ADISCO (Appui au Développement Intégral et à la Solidarité sur les Collines).
The Senegalese association for rainwater management (ASGEP), a partner of IRHA (International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance), also took part in the workshop.
It was an opportunity to meet the international partners of the Food Sovereignty Platform, from West Africa, Central Africa and Switzerland,
Central Africa and Switzerland.
We were able to attend the various presentations and speeches, during which we shared our experiences and asked questions of the participants and experts.
This type of meeting is beneficial for us, the platform's partners and member organizations, as it enables us to develop our practices and change our mentalities thanks to the experiences shared with us.