WASH (Water Sanitation and Hygiene) good practices in Nepal

by Florian Bielser | 11 July 2024
catégories : nepal, programme1

Image WASH (Water Sanitation and Hygiene) good practices in Nepal

Good practices in hand washing are essentials to keep a global healthy community. In the scope of the Rain community project, Kanchan Nepal is conducting WASH training to rural community who have limited knowledge. Wash training include hand washing practice, use of soap, use of improved water sources.

In parallel of these training, the project also includes the securing of clean water through springshed rehabilitation, construction of rainwater harvesting and piping system. Moreover, for the most vulnerable communities, improved sanitations facilities are also built.

In the Chepang communities where part of the project is conducted, open defecation is unfortunately still commonly practiced and therefore education and facilities are highly needed to improve the health of local population.

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catégories : nepal, programme1

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