IRHA is being featured on the Léman Bleu show Esprit Solidaire !

by Marion Dunand | 26 August 2024
catégories : #programme4, suisse

Image IRHA is being featured on the Léman Bleu show Esprit Solidaire !

For the first episode of the 7th season of the Léman Bleu show, Esprit solidaire explores "rain tags," inscriptions placed on sidewalks in various parts of the city by the International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance (IRHA). The program highlights the NGO's awareness activities concerning this precious and underappreciated resource, rainwater, carried out in both Geneva and Senegal. The goal is to encourage the valorization and collection of rainwater in both the Global North and South.

Since spring 2024, the IRHA has organized various activities in the Geneva region to promote rainwater in a fun and artistic way. Using inscriptions that appear on the ground after rain or during "rain walks" that explain the water cycle, the NGO aims to raise public awareness of rainwater management, encouraging better valorization and collection of this natural resource.

In a context of increasing pressure on water supplies, similar activities have been organized in Senegal, where the IRHA supports a project to transition towards agroecological territories. In April 2024, a workshop on rainwater management was also held in Djilor to share knowledge in this field.

In Geneva, the IRHA will be present on September 21 at the Village of Alternatives in Parc des Bastions as part of Alternatiba.

catégories : #programme4, suisse

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