ABCMAC Conference

by Han Heijnen | 30 August 2024
catégories : programme5

Image  ABCMAC Conference

IRHA’s partner in Brasil, the Associação Brasileira de Captação e Manejo de Água de Chuva (ABCMAC) held its 13th symposium in Recife from 25 to 27 August in Recife in the state of Pernambuco. Pernambuco is part of the North East of Brazil, a semi-arid area where a successful one million rainwater harvesting programme has been executed by ASA, an umbrella organization of local NGOs. Some 100 people from government, universities and NGOs attended the sessions.

The presentations addressed the challenges to implement rainwater harvesting projects, the need to update laws to enable broader application of collected rainwater and technologies that can make rainwater safe for domestic drinking water supply. To create capacity to undertake projects, the private sector needs to come on board. The overview presented showed good promise. A number of start-ups were offered the opportunity to present their case.

In 2024 Brazil has faced serious flooding in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, so the important aspects of water resources management and rainwater were reviewed and discussed in the context of the accelerating climate change effects. Hard work is needed to ensure greater security against flooding while at the same time retaining sufficient water in the landscape. Desertification is a growing problem in several parts of Brazil that needs arresting. This will require application and updating of existing laws, including those related to conservation of nature and water.

Han Heijnen, President of IRHA, was invited to give the keynote speech in which he addressed the opportunities for rainwater harvesting in rural areas, cities and industrial zones.

A good number of participants joined the field visit to the community of Morro Alto da Telha, a 'favela’ in Passarinho, in the Western part of Recife city. The homes are located on a steep hill, and the city water supply does not reach most of the time. Due to space constraints and issues of soil strength and dubious general construction quality in this self-built area, the design is rather special, as can be seen in the photograph. The upper storage is 1m3, with 300 liter in ground storage. The structure is made of fiberglass with stiffening support as needed.

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catégories : programme5

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