When rainwater becomes a tale

by DUNAND Marion | 22 October 2024
catégories : #programme4, suisse

Image When rainwater becomes a tale

In October 2024, Le puit, the story well, our partner in the PluiË_ Promouvoir de manière LUdique et Innovante l'eau de Pluie Project, put an original spin on our rainwater harvesting work by creating wonderful tales inspired by IRHA’s activities !

The story follows Vango, a hero who travels from Senegal to Nepal, passing through Switzerland and neighboring France. Along his journey, he meets a woman who has found an ingenious way to collect rainwater to provide for her family. Using a calabash made from the belly of a gorgon Vango had slain during his adventures, she manages to harvest and store water, turning a scarce resource into something usable for daily life. This simple yet clever system highlights the importance of sustainable rainwater management in regions often facing water shortages.

Rachel, who tells the story using instruments she crafted herself, presented this tale in several schools. The students were captivated by this adventure where water issues and a touch of magic come together—a great way to talk about the environment while sparking the imagination !

catégories : #programme4, suisse

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