Launched in March 2018, the project of the Blue School Trapiche Bajo (Potosi - Bolovie) is progressing well. The first visits and evaluations were conducted by our local partner Sumaj Punchay and the work will have to start very soon.
As can be seen in the photo, many municipalities have installed playgrounds (blue-roofed buildings) with large roof areas. Faced
with a lack of water, IRHA re-uses intelligently and efficiently the catchment areasto collect thousands of liters of rainwater that will be used
to provide drinking water and generally improve the hygiene of children.
project is made possible thanks to the support of the Gertrude Hirzel
Foundation, SITSE, and the municpalities of Collonges Bellerive, Plan les ouates, Lancy, Confignon, Cologny, and Puplinge.