Mid-term evaluation of the "Of earth and rain" project (Kaolack)

by Marine Protte-Rieg | 16 February 2021
catégories : senegal, programme2

Image Mid-term evaluation of the "Of earth and rain" project (Kaolack)

It's time to take stock of the "De terre et de pluie" project, which is completing its first year of implementation, which has been particularly eventful!

Yancoba (CTA) and the agroforestry farmers did not skimp on efforts and adaptation strategies to carry out the agroforestry campaign despite the many difficulties related to the sanitary context and the delay of the rains.

After a week of mission rich in meetings, discoveries and exchanges with local actors, agroforestry farmers and our future partner Caritas Kaolack, we return home optimistic and with great opportunities in perspective, including among others:

- The conduct of scientific and technical monitoring actions within the demonstration plot of the Wack Ngouna Local Cereal Producers Network (RéseauMilWack) in Keur Maba Diakhou,

- The development of a partnership between IRHA, APAF Senegal, Caritas Kaolack and the community of Keur Maba Diakhou, for a virtuous mutualization of expertise in favor of an agro-ecological transition of the territory,

- The conduct, in the near future, of a participatory mapping of areas of high erosion and areas with high potential for capture and storage of rainwater in the commune of Keur Maba Diakhou, in collaboration with the environmental commission.

catégories : senegal, programme2

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