
Image Rainwater at COP16: Rainwater and Biodiversity: adaptation strategy to climate change

Hybrid-event: Rainwater management, biodiversity restoration and adaptation to climate change

Join us on October 22, 2024, from 8:00 to 10:00 AM (GMT-5) at Casa Humboldt, Cali, Colombia, for an insightful session on Rainwater and Biodiversity: Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change. This event, organized by IRHA (Geneva) and the Cinara Institute of the University of Valle (Cali, Colombia) will explore how effective rainwater management can mitigate the impacts of climate change and...

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When rainwater becomes a tale

by DUNAND Marion | 22 October 2024
Image When rainwater becomes a tale

In October 2024, Le puit, the story well, our partner in the PluiË_ Promouvoir de manière LUdique et Innovante l'eau de Pluie Project, put an original spin on our rainwater harvesting work by creating wonderful tales inspired by IRHA’s activities !

The story follows Vango, a hero who travels from Senegal to Nepal, passing through Switzerland and neighboring France. Along his journey, he meets a woman who has found an ingenious way to collect rainwater to provide for her family. Using a...

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Do you know about doughnut economics?

by Dunand Marion | 22 October 2024
Image Do you know about doughnut economics?

During the Journée des bailleurs organized by the Fédération genevoise de coopération (FGC), we used the Doughnut Economics framework (by Kate Raworth) as a discussion tool to address the challenges of climate justice with representatives from Greater Geneva's cities, the canton, and FGC's NGOs.

This dynamic and impactful framework allowed us to collectively explore potential solutions to reconcile social foundations with respect for environmental planetary boundaries, both within Greater...

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Water March at Alternatiba festival !

by Dunand Marion | 30 September 2024
Image Water March at Alternatiba festival !

On September 26, during the Alternatiba festival at Bastions in Geneva, the Water March brought together citizens, artists, and activists to raise awareness about the importance of water management. Inspired by the thousands of women and children who walk miles every day to access water, participants, carrying customized jars and bottles, marched together to the sound of music and songs.

This artistic event highlighted rainwater harvesting as a sustainable solution to the water crisis....

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Image Webinar 2: 900 Students, 1 School, No Water

Webinar 2: 900 Students, 1 School, No Water – Ensuring water supply and improving hygiene through the Blue School concept

On September 26, 2024, the IRHA held its second webinar in a series designed to raise awareness among civil society organizations about the importance of rainwater management in their projects. Titled "900 Students, 1 School, No Water!", the event brought together around 30 online participants from countries such as Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Malawi, and...

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ABCMAC Conference

by Han Heijnen | 30 August 2024
Image  ABCMAC Conference

IRHA’s partner in Brasil, the Associação Brasileira de Captação e Manejo de Água de Chuva (ABCMAC) held its 13th symposium in Recife from 25 to 27 August in Recife in the state of Pernambuco. Pernambuco is part of the North East of Brazil, a semi-arid area where a successful one million rainwater harvesting programme has been executed by ASA, an umbrella organization of local NGOs. Some 100 people from government, universities and NGOs attended the sessions.

The presentations addressed...

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Image Spring rehabilitation for community water resilience in NepalIn Nepal, as part of the Rain Community project, our local partner Kanchan Nepal has become an expert in spring restoration. Spring rehabilitation involves building a buffer tank, which fills up little by little over time and can be tapped by users as they wish. So, even if the natural flow rate of the spring is low, the flow rate of the cistern is high, enabling communities to draw quality water quickly and at will.
In addition to the creation of a storage tank, a secure distribution point...
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Image IRHA is being featured on the Léman Bleu show Esprit Solidaire !

For the first episode of the 7th season of the Léman Bleu show, Esprit solidaire explores "rain tags," inscriptions placed on sidewalks in various parts of the city by the International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance (IRHA). The program highlights the NGO's awareness activities concerning this precious and underappreciated resource, rainwater, carried out in both Geneva and Senegal. The goal is to encourage the valorization and collection of rainwater in both the Global North and South.


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Rainwater Harvesting in Guadalajara, Mexico

by José Arturo Gleason Espíndola, President of the Mexican Association of Rainwater Harvesting Systems (AMSCALL) | 29 July 2024
Image Rainwater Harvesting in Guadalajara, Mexico

Flooding Challenges in Guadalajara

For several decades, the city of Guadalajara has been facing increasing flooding problems. Ever more hard paving in the urban areas prevents the infiltration of rainwater into the subsoil. As a result, water rushes to the drains during a shower and exceeds the capacity of the existing, old drainage systems, causing flooding. The solutions applied so far have focused on the construction of larger drains that divert water towards the Barranca de Huentitán, a...

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Image Sponge Cities: A Revolutionary Approach to Urban Water Management

In the face of escalating climate change, innovative solutions are needed more than ever. One such solution is the concept of 'Sponge Cities’, pioneered by Kongjian Yu, founder of Turenscape, a leading Chinese landscape architecture and urbanism practice.

Understanding Sponge Cities

The term 'Sponge City’ refers to an urban area designed to absorb, clean, and use rainwater through natural landscapes. This concept is a radical departure from traditional 'grey infrastructure’ approaches,...

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Image The porous irrigation jars are ready for use at the Moraines Garden !

At the nature festival in late May, volunteers guided by artist Mathilde Chenin from Atelier Bermuda created porous irrigation jars at the Moraines Garden. After being shaped from clay, the jars have just been fired and are now ready for use!

This ancient method allows for more efficient irrigation and reduces evaporation, offering better management of urban gardens. The jars slowly and directly deliver water to the plant roots, minimizing waste and maximizing irrigation efficiency.

These jars...
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Image Rainwater Harvesting: A Sustainable Solution to Global Water Crises

In the context of escalating global extreme weather events and the increasing prevalence of heatwaves, the importance of sustainable water management practices such as rainwater harvesting has become more pronounced. This article will delve into the potential of rainwater harvesting as a mitigating strategy for these climatic challenges, explore the innovative concept of sponge cities, and underscore the importance of advocating for rainwater harvesting.

The Escalation of Global Extreme...

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Image WASH (Water Sanitation and Hygiene) good practices in Nepal

Good practices in hand washing are essentials to keep a global healthy community. In the scope of the Rain community project, Kanchan Nepal is conducting WASH training to rural community who have limited knowledge. Wash training include hand washing practice, use of soap, use of improved water sources.

In parallel of these training, the project also includes the securing of clean water through springshed rehabilitation, construction of rainwater harvesting and piping system. Moreover, for...

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Image Resilient water management on a watershed scale

One of the consequences of climate change is the intensification of extreme phenomena, and rainfall is no exception. More and more extreme rainfall events are bound to hit our territories, creating floods in rivers and lakes, mudslides and even debris flows in the most extreme cases, and widespread flooding.

Faced with these climatic hazards and their consequences, one of the most promising solutions is integrated stormwater management on a watershed scale. This involves considering the water...

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[webinar series] Beyond plastic tanks !

by Dunand Marion | 27 June 2024

The series of three webinars offered by IRHA is part of a broader knowledge-sharing project funded by the Fédération genevoise de coopération. This project aims to raise awareness among development actors about issues related to rainwater harvesting, fostering an understanding of the importance of this resource. The goal is for each participant, at their own scale and level, to integrate rainwater harvesting into their respective projects. We are engaging alliance members to share their...

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At Bains des Paquis in Geneva, Global Water Dances - Geneva offered a participatory dance workshop in collaboration with IRHA as part of the PluiË_Promoting Rainwater Playfully and Innovatively project. This initiative brilliantly combined participatory dance with raising awareness around a strong environmental message on rainwater management, dear to IRHA. The performance began with an emotive duet set to music specially composed for this rain dance.

The interaction with the audience was a...

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Following the knowledge-sharing workshop organized by IRHA in April 2024, aimed at raising awareness among FGC partner NGOs about rainwater management, Emile Badji, director of the Keur Yaakar hotel complex and partner of Tereo, decided to invest in a rainwater management solution to address the recurring potable water shortages at the site.

To enhance the supply of potable water to the rooms, he decided to install a water tarp, a well-shaped cistern capable of storing a significant amount of...

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Image Meteorological data for a better understanding of rainfall

In the remote valleys of Nepal, it is very difficult to obtain precise information on rainfall. Only community testimonies and indicators such as mudslides, the volume of temporary watering points, etc., allow us to estimate actual rainfall quantities.

In order to obtain better data, Kanchan Nepal and IRHA are installing automatic weather stations to measure basic parameters such as sunshine, rainfall, wind speed and direction, and temperature. All these data can be downloaded freely and...

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Image 2023 Annual report is OUT!!

New programmes on watershed management in Nepal, ecosystem restoration and climate resilient agriculture in Senegal and cultural activities with kids in Geneva. Enjoy readying our freshly edited 2023 Annual Report!

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Thursday, June 27, 12:30-14:00 UTC+2

Introduction to rainwater storage technologies

Too often the short cut to rainwater harvesting is to get a plastic tank connected to the roof. Here we would like to present the different low-tech storage infrastructures: Calabash , Pumpkin tank as well as talk about the Return on Investment and sustainability of such infrastructures.


Thursday, September 26, 12:30-14:00 UTC+2

Ensuring Reliable Water...

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Comment l'eau de pluie peut-elle être un levier de développement dans la quête de résilience face aux changements climatiques ? Comment peut-elle être gérée efficacement de manière simple à travers les projets de développement de la PSA ?

Dans le cadre des café-débat de la FGC, l’IRHA a proposé en mai 2024 des discussions pour sensibiliser aux avantages de la gestion de l'eau de pluie. Cet événement a mis en lumière comment cette ressource naturelle peut constituer une...

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Image The contribution of rainwater harvesting to raise basic water services in health care facilities

Han Heijnen visited Nepal in March 2024 to participate in the Regional Conference on Rainwater Harvesting and Management in Kathmandu and visit some field programme of IRHA’s partners. Upon his return to Kathmandu he was invited to give a webinar on rainwater harvesting in hospitals by HECAF360, a Nepali NGO that since 2006 has been active in capacity building for hospital waste management from the clinical ward level upwards. Nowadays it also advises on raising overall sustainable...

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Image Balade de pluie

During the walk, children are guided through the through the park's various facilities and green spaces of the park, where they'll have the chance to see at close quarters how rainwater is collected and used to nourish plants and eco-systems.

Simple, age-appropriate explanations will be provided the importance of preserving this natural resource.

This walk offers youngsters a unique sensory experience where they can smell, touch and observe rainwater in its natural environment.

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Nepal - Bees for biodiversity and the rural economy

by Dharma Raj Dakal (adapted by Florian Bielser) | 24 May 2024
Image Nepal - Bees for biodiversity and the rural economy

One of IRHA's project takes place in Kaski and Chitwan districts in Nepal. In partnership with three local partners Sapana Village Social Impact - SVSI, Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Resarch and Development - LI-BIRD and Kanchan Nepal - KN, the project aim improve community resilience and living conditions by restoring ecosystem functionalities, enhancing water availability, consolidating agricultural practices and strengthening collective/sustainable management of natural resources by...

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Rainwater was at the heart of a knowledge-sharing workshop organized by the International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance (IRHA) in partnership with the Senegalese Rainwater Harvesting Association (ASGEP). From April 15 to 16, 2024, in Djilor Djidiack, Senegal, this event brought together committed minds, including members from 14 Senegalese NGOs: Agrosol, ASPSP, Caritas Kaolack, Djigui Sembe, FADDO, Ferme des 4 Chemins, Gret, Fédération Kajoor Jankeen, Keur Yakaar, Kuu Tinaa, Océanium...

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On Saturday, April 27th at 4 pm, the vernissage of Tags de PluiË took place on the Pont de la Machine in the heart of Geneva!

Tag Creation Process

We aimed to create the tag phrases in a participatory and collaborative manner. To achieve this, we organized three activities titled "Paroles de Pluie," aimed at exploring the connection between words and rainwater, emotions, and art (see our previous blog).

Subsequently, we applied these phrases onto the ground using a hydrophobic, biological, and...

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Image Walking the trail in Nepal

Following the 2-day Regional Rainwater Conference on 18 and 19th of March organized by the Nepal Rainwater Harvesting Alliance (see March newsletter), Florian Bielser, IRHA Programme Officer, and Han Heijnen, President of the IRHA Board, joined Nirmal Adhikari, programme coordinator of Kanchan Nepal, our partner, for a 10-day field trip to Chitwan and Kaski districts.

The purpose of our visit was to see how the IRHA supported projects in the two districts had evolved and to strengthen...

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Image Harvesting rain in Nepal - Regional conference on rainwater management

From March 18 to 19, the Regional Conference on "Rainwater Harvesting and Management: Harnessing Rainwater for Enhanced Water Security and Climate Resilience" took place in Kathmandu, Nepal. On the day preceding the conference, March 17, international participants were able to visit urban rainwater recharge and capture projects implemented in Kathmandu.

The event was aimed at regional players active in rainwater management. Participants came from the authorities (4 mayors and 3 current and...

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Go out and search for our rain tags pluiË in the area of Geneva !

Plan des tags

Once you found them, take a photo, post it on Instagram or Facebook and tag us! Enjoy!!!



Instagram : IRHA_H2o

Facebook : IRHA_H2o

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Image Regional Conference on Rainwater Harvesting and Management: A Step Towards Sustainable Development

The International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance (IRHA) is delighted to share insights from the recently concluded Regional Conference on Rainwater Harvesting and Management, held in Kathmandu, Nepal, on 18-19 March 2024.

The conference was jointly organized by Smart Water Solutions Pvt. Ltd. and the Development Support Organization of the Netherlands (SNV Nepal). Among the co-organizers of the Conference were the International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance (IRHA), Water Aid Nepal, Nepal Water...

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IRHA - New Partner Introduction

by Darja Könnig | 27 March 2024
Image IRHA - New Partner Introduction

We're very happy to welcome the Nepal Rainwater Harvesting Alliance to IRHA, formalized during the "Regional Conference on Rainwater Harvesting and Management” in Nepal, wich was held on March 18-19, 2024. An MoU signed by Han Heijnen and E. Ramdeep Sah signals our joint commitment to advancing global rainwater harvesting initiatives, to enhance information sharing, mutual cooperation, and global outreach.

Image New Collaborative Project in Uganda Takes Shape: Fostering Sustainable Agriculture and Reforestation

Exciting developments are underway in Uganda as plans for a collaborative project begin to take shape. For this project IRHA partners with the Bethany Land Institute (BLI), and Agroforestry Promotion Network (APN), aiming to promote sustainable agriculture and reforestation efforts in the region.

Building a Sustainable Future Together

In response to the urgent need for environmental restoration and sustainable land management practices, the three partners have joined forces to implement a...

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In the context of our PartageÖ project, a knowledge-sharing initiative funded by the Geneva Federation of Cooperation, we are organizing a Rainwater Management Awareness Workshop in Djilor, Senegal, on April 15th and 16th.

This workshop is open to all partners of organizations affiliated with the FGC, particularly partners of the Food Sovereignty Platform (PSA), who are interested in issues related to water and rainwater management.

The main objective is to actively encourage participating...

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PluiË Programme in Geneva

by Dunand Marion | 26 March 2024

We are extremely proud to present to you the program of activities for our project PluiË - Promouvoir de manière LUdique et Innovante l’Eau de Pluie.

You will discover a variety of creative and artistic activities, such as participatory dance workshops aimed at appropriating and valorizing rainwater through movement, in collaboration with the Global Water Dances - Geneva.

Also on the agenda are rain walks offered by IRHA in various locations in Geneva, such as Parc Bertrand or the Berge de...

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The opening of our exhibition "Hors Sec" at Espace Enchanté took place last Saturday, in commemoration of World Water Day. Approximately 50 people took part in various highlights of the afternoon.

IRHA presented a photo exhibition consisting of 9 shots and testimonials from different continents, showcasing rainwater as a free and universal resource, usable in everyday life.

A playful expression space around a large cloud was also offered by IRHA, where everyone could share their memories...

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Nestled within the bustling urban landscape of Medellín, Colombia, a transformative initiative is quietly taking root – the Green Corridors project. These verdant pathways represent a concerted effort by the city to promote sustainability, resilience, and community well-being. At the heart of this endeavor lies the strategic integration of rainwater harvesting systems, a crucial element in nurturing these green havens and mitigating environmental challenges.

Medellín's Green...

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In February, Han Heijnen - President of the IRHA - visited the Kasese district in Western Uganda to monitor a rainwater harvesting programme in schools, which was completed in 2022. Around 25 schools in the Rwenzori hills were supported in the construction of rainwater harvesting systems, using 5 and 10 cubic metre Calabash tanks in particular. A rapid assessment showed that the rainwater storage systems were highly functional and very useful.

For several months, the IRHA has been in contact...

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In a context where water is becoming a growing global concern, IRHA's PluiË_Promouvoir de manière Lundique et Innovante l'Eau de pluie project is raising awareness of the need to change perceptions of the rainwater resource. The project's "Paroles de Pluie" activity features a creative, participatory approach to exploring the link between art, words and rainwater.

The activity took place in three distinct stages, each offering a unique dimension for expressing and understanding the resource...
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The concept of Community Seed Banks (CSB) has been globally developed to address on-farm conservation and utilization of local plant genetic resources, along with associated traditional knowledge. This initiative aims to counteract the rapid loss of genetic resources within local production systems. CSBs are designed to conserve, restore, revitalize, strengthen, and enhance plant genetic resources, with a primary emphasis on local crop varieties (Vernooy et al., 2020). These banks actively...

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As part of the "A Kop Allè No Maag Olé - La forêt de la mer" project, Océanium, in partnership with IRHA and local authorities, organized a community festival focusing on the preservation of local resources and the restoration of the mangrove swamp. The event took place on Saturday, December 16, in Faoye, a small village nestled in an inlet (bolong) in Senegal's Siné Saloum region.

As part of the promotion and to reach out to the wider community, the week leading up to the event saw the...

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As part of the Femme de Terre project, a reinforcement of 5 women's groups was organized by the field agent of APAF Sénégal (Association pour la Promotion des Arbres Fertilitaires, IRHA's partner in this project). Spread over two days, it took place in two market garden plots located around Keur Maba, in the Kaolack region of Senegal.

Over 40 women from 5 different groups took part in the training sessions, which were structured to maximize farmer-to-farmer exchanges. Both the APAF...
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An international workshop on financing rural development was held in Gitega, Burundi, in September 2023, organised by the Burundian association ADISCO with the support of Philea, IRED and the Platform for Food Sovereignty of member organisations of the Geneva Development Cooperation Federation.
Some forty participants involved in promoting savings and credit in rural areas from 8 countries in East and West Africa exchanged their approaches and methods and discussed ways of improving their...
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In November, I had the honour of meeting with the Minister of Water Resource of Burkina Faso. The meeting was held at the Burkina Faso House in Geneva,

Following the oucomes of the IWRM review conducted in Burkina, we had the chance to discuss water issues and the obvious need to take into account rainwater management into the plans. Urban or rural settings, it is all about dealing with the too much and too little water.

Climate change is there and it is becoming an urgent matter for...

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Where run-off stops!

by sylvestre | 8 December 2023

We love rainwater and love to harvest it to make it available to people and ecosystems, but during rainy season, too much of rainwater can generate run-off causing major destruction to infrastructures, making communities even more vulnerable.

This is why we can not approach rainwater/stormwater management without including sustainable land management approaches into it. This was done in Kaolack in the frame of the project in partnership with Caritas Kaolack.

Gabions were set across gullies to...

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The International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance is pleased to announce the launch of the PluiË project, an innovative initiative aimed at raising awareness and engaging the public of Greater Geneva in the crucial importance of Rainwater Management (RWM).

Aim of the project

"PluiË - Promouvoir de manière LUdique et Innovante l'Eau de pluie" aims to break the rules, deconstruct prejudices and put forward a rethought approach to rainwater. Over a period of 1 year, the aim is to raise awareness...

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Aadarsha Blue School is the 12th Blue School implemented by Kanchan Nepal (KN) and International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance (IRHA) in Nepal. Blue School, a programme developed by IRHA in 2005, aims to improve the children’s health at school by access to water, sanitation, hygiene practices and resource management.

These past weeks works have ramped up. Construction materials have arrived on site and terracing works have started. Before constructing NEW blocks of toilets, communities were...

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Awareness-raising activities continue in the field

by Mbaye Ana Dramé | 30 October 2023

Several awareness-raising activities were organized by the Océanium to sensitize schoolchildren to water-related issues. Pupils were able to understand the water cycle through educational frescoes, and appreciate the importance of preserving the water cycle and the mangrove swamp.

A guided tour of the tann nursery was conducted to help school children understand the importance of preserving mangrove shrubs, notably the Conocarpus Erectus. A projection ceremony on the theme of the return of...
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From September 25 to 30, 2023, an international exchange and learning workshop on rural financing was held in Bujumbura and Ngozi, Burundi. The workshop was organized by IRED (Innovations et Réseaux pour le Développement) and Philéa (Société Coopérative Philea International), with the support of PSA (Plateforme de Souveraineté Alimentaire) in partnership with ADISCO (Appui au Développement Intégral et à la Solidarité sur les Collines).

The Senegalese association for rainwater...

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Aadarsha Blue School

by Sony Pun | 25 October 2023

Adarsha Basic School

Adarsha Blue School is the 12 th Blue School Project implemented by Kanchan Nepal (KN) and International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance (IRHA) in Nepal. Blue School, a programme developed by IRHA in 2005, aims to improve the children’s health at school by access to water, sanitation, hygiene practices and resource management.

Located in Dahakhani, Ward No. 7 of Ichchhakamana Rural Municipality, Chitwan district, Adarsha Basic School is accessible by gravel road, 25...

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Interview for Radio Cité Genève

by Sima Haïrapetian | 18 September 2023

Our director Marc Sylvestre had the pleasure of presenting the IRHA and its programs to local radio station Radio Cité Genève.

Click here to read the interview

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