Programme 3

Disaster risk management and ecosystem restoration

Build the resilience of communities exposed to climate change and major hazards by improving water and soil conservation through the implementation of ecosystem restoration, reforestation and integrated water resources management (IWRM) initiatives.

In collaboration with Kanchan Nepal, Caritas Kaolack, Océanium Dakar

Mangrove restoration, Agroforestry, ecosystem restoration



FEBA, Associated Programme for Flood Management (APFM)


#GenerationRestoration #nobluenogreen #watersecurity


Since the 2000s, 74% of all natural disasters have been water-related (UNDRR, 2020). An estimated 2 billion people live in countries with high water stress (WMO, 2018). Finally, nearly 80% of the world's wetlands have disappeared since 1950.


The challenges of ecosystem restoration

The weakening of many ecosystems such as forests, hedgerows and mangroves, which act as barriers against the risks of major hazards, increases the vulnerability of communities to the effects of climate change. The loss of soils, destruction of crops and livelihoods combined with the accelerated occurrence of these extreme weather events, impact the resilience and adaptive capacities of communities.

Rainwater management is an innovative response to the challenges of water scarcity, droughts and floods and to strengthen the resilience of communities and local ecosystems to natural disasters and climate change. Collect, Store and Use.

Rainwater management is therefore fully in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 13.

Our strategy to improve the health, livelihoods and resilience of communities and ecosystems to climate change by ensuring access to water for all, everywhere is based on:

  • Development of an action plan for integrated water resources management at the level of the catchment area, co-developed by all the actors involved (communities, authorities, services, etc.)
  • Establishment of storage, infiltration and groundwater recharge infrastructures
  • Establishment of infrastructure for erosion control, runoff reduction, flood control and soil maintenance
  • Strengthening the technical and ecosystem management capacities (mangroves, forests) of field actors (institutions, farmers, cooperatives, etc.).


"Planting fruit trees will not only maintain the soil but also rejuvenate the community forest while creating value"

Reforestation initiative participant (Nepal) Credits @IRHA, 2021




News - Disaster risk management and ecosystem restoration

Image Rainwater Harvesting: A Sustainable Solution to Global Water Crises
11 July 2024
by D. Könnig

In the context of escalating global extreme weather events and the increasing prevalence of heatwaves, the importance of sustainable water manageme...

Image Resilient water management on a watershed scale
5 July 2024
by Florian Bielser

One of the consequences of climate change is the intensification of extreme phenomena, and rainfall is no exception. More and more extreme rainfall...

Image Meteorological data for a better understanding of rainfall
24 June 2024
by Florian Bielser

In the remote valleys of Nepal, it is very difficult to obtain precise information on rainfall. Only community testimonies and indicators such as m...

Other programmes


Programme 1

Rainwater for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

Access to safe water and sanitation, as well as appropriate hygiene, is a human right and can prevent a significant proportion of water-related diseases.

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Programme 2

Rainfed Agriculture and Food Sovereignty

Rainfed agriculture represents more than 85% of family farming today. Ongoing climate change is impacting on the harvests and food sovereignty of farming communities.

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Programme 4

Urban Rainwater

Storm rain, flooding, creating islands of coolness, rainwater management in the city has emerged in recent years as a nature-based solution (NbS) that cannot be ignored in managing a sustainable city.

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"I wanted to participate in this reforestation initiative with my community to set an example! Stopping soil erosion and rejuvenating our community forests is a very good thing."

FECOFUN Secretary of Rupa Municipality, Hansapur Nepal - Credits @IRHA, 2019


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